Participant Agreement & Liability Waiver

Participant Agreement and Liability Waiver

Retreat liability dates and times:

Dates and times are reflective of the package you choose to purchase. General liability applies to time when customers are picked up by Mana Coco Representative (usually from the airport) and dropped off (again, usually at the airport), or customer's next accommodating destination.

***Please complete using Kana and Romaji***

Mana Coco, LLC highly recommends that the customer seek and follow the advice of their personal physician prior to participation in the retreat.

Mana Coco, LLC may be listed on the website and/or contracts as “Mana Coco, LLC”, “Mana Coco”, “we”, “us” or “retreat” and are the responsibility of Mana Coco, LLC.  Customers may be referred to as: “customer”, “participant”, “guardian” or “client”.

Customer(s) participation is contingent on agreeing and signing this document. If customer(s) choose not to agree and sign, return to the airport will be provide but no other accommodations or refunds will be provided.


Mana Coco、LLCは、リトリートに参加する前に、お客様がかかりつけの医師のアドバイスを求めて従うことを強くお勧めします。
Mana Coco、LLCは、Webサイトおよび/または契約に「Mana Coco, LLC」、「Mana Coco」、「私たち」、「私たち」、または「リトリート」として記載されており、Mana Coco、LLCの責任です。

Retreat price includes:


Daily morning yoga posture classes appropriate for students of all levels of experience, yoga/meditation/movement/workshop experience on each day.

Accommodations are assigned on a first-come first-served basis as purchased by the customer. Some rooms share bathroom facilities otherwise bathrooms are in the accommodation selected.

Breakfast and dinner are provided by Mana Coco, LLC. All meals will be of Organic, Ayurvedic and “Washoku” in nature. People with food allergies will be considered but not guaranteed.

Pick-up at the Daniel K. Inouye airport (Airport code HNL) on arrival day and drop-off at the airport on departure day is provided by Mana Coco, LLC and these transportation costs are included in the total fee. Transportation to and from sightseeing tours is included.




朝食と夕食はMana Coco、LLCが提供します。すべての食事は、オーガニック、アーユルヴェーダ、そして和食ものとなります。食物アレルギーのある人は考慮されますが保証はされません。

到着日のDaniel K. Inouye空港(空港コードHNL)でのピックアップと出発日の空港でのドロップオフはMana Coco、LLCが提供しており、これらの交通費は合計料金に含まれています。観光ツアーへの送迎は含まれています。

Retreat Price Does Not Include:


Retreat Price Doest Not Include:
Round-trip airfare to Hawaii, passports, visa, meals in transit or outside of Mana Coco, LLC, wellness services, gratuities, snacks/lunch and/or any items of a personal nature.

All requests for cancellation must be submitted in writing to the Mana Coco, LLC (and received by the dates listed below). Regardless of the reason, cancellations result in additional costs and processing time for Mana Coco, LLC. Cancellation refunds will be 100% from 2months prior to the reatreat dote DETERMINED AT A LATER TIME; THIS IS STILL UNDER CONSIDERATION AND "CONSTRUCTION"***** (Hawaii Standard Time). If the participant leaves the retreat prior to its conclusion, refunds will not be made for any unused portions. No refunds will be made for any excursion, meal, yoga class or workshop or other activity that the participant misses or decides not to participate in for any reason. Mana Coco, LLC reserves the right to cancel the retreat prior to departure. If such cancellation is NOT due to circumstances beyond Mana Coco, LLC’s control, such as war, etc., as set forth below, Mana Coco, LLC will refund all payments, constituting full settlement with the participant. No compensation or refund will be made when cancellation arises before or during the trip from circumstances beyond our and/or our suppliers’ control (force majeure) such as war, strife, civil disobedience, strikes, terrorist activity, adverse weather conditions, fire, natural disasters, disease containments, etc., unless or until Mana Coco, LLC is able to recover any retreat-related sums. In the event of cancellation arising from circumstances beyond our control as set forth above, retreat-related sums recovered by Mana Coco, LLC will be distributed equitably to the participants after Mana Coco, LLC deducts all out-of- pocket costs and related expenses. 
It is recommended that participants purchase their own trip cancellation insurance. Mana Coco, LLC is not responsible for expenses, including but not limited to lodging, meals, and transportation, incurred for delays and/or detainment beyond the trip itinerary as a result of circumstances beyond our and/or our suppliers’ control such as war, etc. as set forth above.


ハワイへの往復航空運賃、パスポート、ビザ、移動中のまたはMana Coco、LLC外での食事、ウェルネスサービス、チップ、軽食/昼食、および/または個人的性質のもの。

キャンセルのすべてのリクエストは、Mana Coco、LLCに書面で提出する必要があります(下記に記載された日までに受領する必要があります)。理由のいかんにかかわらず、キャンセルはMana Coco、LLCのための追加費用と処理時間をもたらします。次の料金はキャンセルのために査定される:リトリート開催日の2カ月前から100%(マイナス取引手数料) のキャンセル料がかかります。加えてリトリート中の 移動、食事、ヨガのクラス、ワークショップ、または参加者が何らかの理由でそれに参加しないことに対しての返金はありません。 Mana Coco、LLCは、出発前にリトリートを取り消す権利を留保します。そのような取消しが、後述するように、Mana Coco、LLCの統制を超えた状況(戦争など)に起因しない場合、Mana Coco、LLCはすべての支払いを返金し、参加者との全額の清算を行います。戦争、紛争、市民の不服従、ストライキ、テロ行為、悪天候、火災、その他の不慮または管理外の状況, 病気の封じ込め(旅行不可、不可抗力)からのキャンセルが旅行の前または最中に発生した場合、補償または返金は行われません。上記のように当社の管理が及ばない状況からキャンセルが発生した場合以外に関しては、Mana Coco、LLCがすべての自己負担費用および関連費用を差し引いた後、参加者に平等に分配されます。
参加者は自分で旅行キャンセル保険を購入することをお勧めします。 Mana Coco、LLCは、戦争など、当社および/または不慮の管理が及ばない状況の結果として、旅程を超えて遅延および/または拘束が行われた場合に発生する宿泊費、食事代、および輸送費を含むことを保証できません。


A passport must be obtained in advance. Each participant is responsible for determining their specific passport requirements and for obtaining the necessary documents prior to departure. Non-U.S. citizens must consult with appropriate consulates to determine if any visas are needed.
Medical Insurance:

Each participant is responsible for checking with their current health insurance provider and ensuring that they have adequate medical coverage (this includes any accompanying children). Participants must carry their insurance documentation while on the retreat. Mana Coco, LLC does not provide any health insurance, medical treatment or any implication thereof.



各参加者は、現在の健康保険提供者に確認し、適切な医療保険に加入していることを確認する責任があります(これには付随する子供も含まれます)。参加者は、リトリート中は保険書類を携帯しなければなりません。 Mana Coco、LLCは、健康保険、医療処置、または健康に関わる条件を保証できません。

Other Items:

Nature of Trip:

This retreat is yoga-based. Accordingly, participants are strongly encouraged to fully attend the yoga offerings provided. All participants are encouraged to approach the retreat with a spirit of openness and adventure. Smoking is not permitted in vans or cars, at meals, or inside the buildings and yoga space. Alcohol will not be provided nor encouraged during the retreat. Illegal drugs will not be allowed or tolerated and will be subject to legal action.

The retreat hosted by Mana Coco; LLC does allow children of participants to attend with said participant/guardian in attendance. Participants/Guardians are solely responsible for, but not limited to; well-being, accountability, care, healthcare, transportation (except as outlined for participants) or any other manner to which a parent/participant/guarding would otherwise be responsible.



Mana Coco、LLCが主催するリトリートでは、参加者の子供たちは参加者/保護者の同伴で参加できます。参加者/保護者は,自分の子供たちに単独で責任を負います。健康、説明責任、同伴、看病、交通手(参加者のために提供されている場合を除く)


Mana Coco, LLC will be photographing and/or videotaping the retreat. Mana Coco, LLC reserves the right to use any such photographs/videos in its advertising, displays, publicity materials, internet material, social media and publications without obtaining further consent from any participant. Each participant releases Mana Coco, LLC and its representatives from any liability in connection with any such use of such photographs and videotapes. This includes any children of said participants.


Mana Coco、LLCは、リトリートを撮影またはビデオテープ録画します。 Mana Coco、LLCは、いかなる参加者からもさらなる同意を得ることなく、そのような写真/ビデオを広告、展示、広報資料、インターネット資料、ソーシャルメディアおよび出版物に使用する権利を持ちます。各参加者は、そのような写真およびビデオテープのそのような使用に関連して、Mana Coco、LLCおよびその代表者を一切の責任から解放します。これには参加者の子供も含まれます。

Photo/Video Release Agreement Acknowledgement:


Signature/署名: _______________________________________________Date/日付: ________



The participant, by signing this Participant Agreement/Liability Waiver, agrees that Mana Coco, LLC and its representatives, except for their gross negligence or willful misconduct, shall not be held liable for any injury, damage, loss, delay or irregularity that may be occasioned for any reason, including, but not limited to any defect in a vehicle, the acts or default of any company or person engaged in conveying a participant, acts of God, terrorism, acts of war, or detention; delays or expenses arising from quarantine, strikes, thefts, pilferage, force majeure, civil disturbances, government restrictions or regulations, accidents by aircraft, boat, bicycle or motor vehicle, or in any restaurant or accommodation; failure of any means of transportation to arrive or depart as scheduled or changes in transit, or villa services; missed airline or other transportation connections; or for additional expenses resulting from changes in exchange rates, tariffs, or itinerary. The participant agrees to assume all risks associated with the retreat and agrees that no liability will attach to Mana Coco, LLC, its employees or agents, or to any member of the trip in respect of death, personal injury, illness or delay of the passenger, or for any loss of or damage to the property (including luggage) of the participant during the course of the retreat, howsoever caused. By signing this Participant Agreement/Liability Waiver, the participant releases Mana Coco, LLC and its representatives from any such responsibility or liability, except as herein above set forth. The liability of common carriers is generally limited and, therefore, it is suggested that participants purchase their own cancellation, property damage (including luggage), and accident insurance. For the benefit of everyone on your retreat, Mana Coco, LLC reserves the right to accept or reject any retreat participant at any time without liability, and in the event, it determines, in its sole and exclusive discretion, that a participant is disruptive to the harmony of the retreat, it may without any obligation to pay a refund or any other amount whatsoever, expel such participant from the retreat. Mana Coco, LLC will have no responsibility or liability for any participant who leaves the retreat prior to its conclusion or for any activity undertaken by any participant which is not included on the retreat itinerary.


参加者は、この参加者契約/責任の放棄に署名することにより、Mana Coco、LLCおよびその代表者は、重大な過失または故意による違法行為を除き、いかなる怪我、損害、損失、遅延または遅延についても責任を負いません。車両の欠陥、参加者の運搬に関与している企業または個人の行為または不履行、不慮の事故、テロ行為、戦争の行為、または拘禁を含むがこれらに限定されない、何らかの理由で起こる可能性のある不規則性。検疫、ストライキ、盗難、窃盗、不可抗力、内乱、政府による規制または規制、航空機、ボート、自転車または自動車による事故、あるいは任意のレストランまたは宿泊施設で発生する遅延または費用。予定通りに到着または出発する交通手段、または輸送中の変更、または別荘サービスの失敗。航空会社または他の交通機関の乗り継ぎや乗り遅れ。または、為替レート、関税、または旅程の変更に起因する追加費用。参加者は、リトリートに関連するすべてのリスクを引き受けることに同意し、死亡、人身傷害、病気、または旅客の遅延に関して、Mana Coco、LLC、その従業員または代理人、または旅行のメンバーに責任を負わないことに同意します。または、リトリートの過程で参加者の所有物(荷物を含む)を紛失または損傷した場合この参加者契約/責任の放棄に署名することにより、参加者は、上記の場合を除き、Mana Coco、LLCおよびその代表者をそのような責任または義務から解放します。一般航空会社の責任は一般的に限られているため、参加者は自分でキャンセル、物的損害(手荷物を含む)、および事故保険を購入することをお勧めします。リトリート中の全員の利益のために、Mana Coco、LLCは、責任を負うことなく、いつでも参加者を承認または拒否する権利を留保し、その唯一の独自の裁量により、参加者が個人的な迷惑と判断した場合退却の判断を有します。そして、払い戻しやその他の金額を支払う義務を一切負うことなく、そのような参加者をリトリートからから追放することができます。 Mana Coco、LLCは、終了前に退却した参加者、または参加者が退会日程に含まれていない活動を行った場合、その責任または義務を一切負いません。


Please complete 1 form for each attending customer. Customers that are bringing children may include all children they are responsible for on their same form.


I/we have read and understand the foregoing Participant Agreement/Liability Waiver for:
Print Participant Name (as it appears on passport):







Postal Code/郵便番号:______________________


Email/ Eメール: _________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact/の緊急連絡先:

Print Name/名前:________________________________________________________________


Emergency Contact Telephone/緊急連絡先電話番号: _________________________________

Child Information/子供の情報: 

1st Child’s Name/二人目の子供の名前:_______________________________________Gender/性別:________________Age/年齢:_______

2nd Child’s Name/子供の名前:______________________________________Gender/性別:_________________Age/年齢:_______

Additional Information/追加情報: ________________________________________________________________________________



Mana Coco, LLC
1117 Valley Run Dr.

Richmond, Kentucky 40475

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