Cancellation/Refund Policy

Mana Coco, LLC 
Cancellation/Refund Policy



All requests for cancellation must be submitted in writing to Mana Coco, LLC (and received by the dates listed below). All start and end dates and times are US Standard Time. Regardless of the reason, cancellations result in additional costs and processing time for Mana Coco, LLC. Cancellation refunds will be given at 100% of purchase price, less transaction fees, if cancelled within 48 hours of original purchase date. Refunds of 50%, less any transaction fees, will be given up to the end of business on the 15th day prior to the start day of the retreat you have purchased. No refunds will be given after the 14th day or closer to the start of the retreat you have purchased.  If the participant leaves the retreat prior to its conclusion, refunds will not be made for any unused portions. No refunds will be made for any excursion, meal, yoga class or workshop or other activity that the participant misses or decides not to participate in for any reason. No refunds will be made for any personal purchase made by the customer such as, but not limited to gifts or souvenirs. Refunds will not exceed any amounts that the customer(s) have paid to Mana Coco, LLC, or its representatives. Mana Coco, LLC reserves the right to cancel the retreat prior to departure. If such cancellation is NOT due to circumstances beyond Mana Coco, LLC’s control, such as war, etc., as set forth below, Mana Coco, LLC will refund all payments, constituting full settlement with the participant. No compensation or refund will be made when cancellation arises before or during the trip from circumstances beyond our and/or our suppliers’ control (force majeure) such as war, strife, civil disobedience, strikes, terrorist activity, adverse weather conditions, fire, natural disasters, disease containments, etc., unless or until Mana Coco, LLC is able to recover any retreat-related sums. In the event of cancellation arising from circumstances beyond our control as set forth above, retreat-related sums recovered by Mana Coco, LLC will be distributed equitably to the participants after Mana Coco, LLC deducts all out-of- pocket costs and related expenses. It is recommended that participants purchase their own trip cancellation insurance. Mana Coco, LLC is not responsible for expenses, including but not limited to lodging, meals, and transportation, incurred for delays and/or detainment beyond the trip itinerary as a result of circumstances beyond our and/or our suppliers’ control such as war, etc. as set forth above.


ハワイへの往復航空運賃、パスポート、ビザ、移動中のまたはMana Coco、LLC外での食事、ウェルネスサービス、チップ、軽食/昼食、および/または個人的性質のもの。


キャンセルのすべてのリクエストは、Mana Coco、LLCに書面で提出する必要があります(下記に記載された日までに受領する必要があります)。理由のいかんにかかわらず、キャンセルはMana Coco、LLCのための追加費用と処理時間をもたらします。


リトリート開始日の2カ月前より100% (マイナス取引手数料) のキャンセル料がかかります。加えてリトリート中の 移動、食事、ヨガのクラス、ワークショップ、または参加者が何らかの理由でそれに参加しないことに対しての返金はありません。 Mana Coco、LLCは、出発前にリトリートを取り消す権利を留保します。そのような取消しが、後述するように、Mana Coco、LLCの統制を超えた状況(戦争など)に起因しない場合、Mana Coco、LLCはすべての支払いを返金し、参加者との全額の清算を行います。戦争、紛争、市民の不服従、ストライキ、テロ行為、悪天候、火災、その他の不慮または管理外の状況, 病気の封じ込め(旅行不可、不可抗力)からのキャンセルが旅行の前または最中に発生した場合、補償または返金は行われません。上記のように当社の管理が及ばない状況からキャンセルが発生した場合以外に関しては、Mana Coco、LLCがすべての自己負担費用および関連費用を差し引いた後、参加者に平等に分配されます。参加者は自分で旅行キャンセル保険を購入することをお勧めします。 Mana Coco、LLCは、戦争など、当社および/または不慮の管理が及ばない状況の結果として、旅程を超えて遅延および/または拘束が行われた場合に発生する宿泊費、食事代、および輸送費を含むことを保証できません。

Subject to change without notice.

All rights reserved.

Revised, 04/2023.

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